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The blog that goes with

Lorsque l’édition se monopolise tous les accès au métier d’écrivain ?
26 August, 2017

The blog that goes with

It's a metaphor, in fact. The root of the word "metaphor" means stand, (I know) transporter. Et, by extension, to cross. To cross so the mirror. This image allows to bring into this mirror all the sense of touch. Le touch proximity, of joint ownership. The mirror - glass placed on tin, le tain du lointain that makes it so close, bring him closer (like to touch ...), yes brings us the experiences, the experiences and the trains of sensations – which will be discussed later - until ... everyone. All those who will have the good idea to read this text !

Solutions ? Like walking through the mirror. De go to the other side. To take the plunge, to try to reformulate and relive, in his personal way, the experiences offered. Et pourquoi ? Because they lead to deep mentality changes. Through transformations of points of view, of ways to look, to feel infinitely closer to solutions than to feel tied up and confused by problems (like today, encore, for the majority). Disons, in very short, that the reality is to be, à la fois, des two sides from the mirror. These shortened words will be better understood as the text unfolds..


The method will be to melt testimonies as if they were not forming only one. Everyone is in agreement : this has the advantage of saving all contexts. Heavily needed every time. The same " Je »Brings together all the testimonials but the quotes will be kept. All in order to focus only on the essential. Who is : these testimonials, yet simple, act like "crossing the mirror". It is that they do it, in fact ! Let's say their fiery contents matter more than the sets. These are arrows of lights that save a certain amount of effort ... of understandings (no understanding without the effort of understanding !).


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